A Little about this Blog
Welcome to my new Happy Place!—My own creative space in the blogosphere, where other creative parents/teachers/artists can come and share ideas, adventures, projects, successes and struggles. My name is Heather or “Shiny” as my extended family calls me.We first began our homeschooling adventure 6 years ago. My
oldest daughter was starting Kindergarten, and I did not find peace in my heart
about sending my daughter to any of the local schools. I had taught preschool
for a number of years so I thought maybe we could give it a go and try
homeschooling for Kindergarten. I then found out that Kindergarten is optional
in our state of Colorado, so this gave me the courage to try it out all the
more. I figured if it really didn’t work out, we would just go to a school
starting with first grade. The least I could do was try.
…Like I said, that was 6 years ago. My oldest is now at
Fifth Grade level, and youngest sister has joined the fun, now at First Grade
level. I can’t say enough positive things about homeschooling. This from a
family who has a long line of public school teachers. I even went back to
school to get my own MA in Education during these early years of schooling at
home, and this simply reconfirmed my belief that homeschooling is the best form
of education. I’m not saying it is the only form, nor am I saying it is the
right form for everyone. Everyone has different circumstances, different family
situations, different personalities, and to be honest, different schooling
options. That’s the great part of living in America! What I do believe is that
homeschooling is a calling. And if you don’t have that calling…don’t do it. But
if you do, I wanted to create a blog to just encourage your heart and help refocus
your days on the fun at hand. The ability we have all been given to make Every
Day special in the eyes of our children is truly a gift. But it is so easy to
forget sometimes amidst the busyness of juggling all the extra activities,
lessons, and simply trying to make sure we get all the necessary learning
packed into each day.
And that is why this blog is not just for you—anyone
interested in fun specials to mix into your days at home with your littles, or
not-so-littles-anymore. It is also for me! I want to remember to pause and
savor these moments with my children, between the Reading, Writing and
‘Rithmatic. Afterall, this is part of the fun of homeschooling—getting to enjoy
those moments! Because it is these moments of happiness in homeschooling that
leads to something deeper. Something richer. I believe creating a “fun-dation”
for your children where they are truly happy at home leads to a lifetime of Joy
that they will carry with them far beyond their front doorstep.
Now help me be accountable, Friends! J I’ll show you our fun ideas!
You show me yours! Would love to hear all about the fun going on in your own “Home-Rooms”.